shyness in dancing

How to get rid of shyness in dancing?

5 Tips to Get Rid of Dance Shyness

As a teacher, sometimes I encounter constraints and embarrassment from students. And I always remind them that they dance only for themselves. Therefore, self-awareness and natural self-expression are so important.

We have chosen these tips for you to help your body speak in dance:


1. Stop comparing yourself to others and thinking that you are worse than someone else. 

The main thing is to be better than you were yesterday, look for motivation in your successes! Yes, rehearsals and repetitions can be difficult. But you are working on yourself, which means you are getting better!

2. Relax your brain.

The thought block in the head (fear, hesitation, etc) will go into the body, and in such a state it is difficult to dance. So you not only forget the movements, but you get upset that your head is “empty”. Just start the dance over again!.

3. Start with simple movements.

It is better to perform something simple, but high quality, than to immediately do all the still incomprehensible movements the teacher shows.

4. Replace the mirror for a while with the camera.

The absence of mirrors helps to concentrate on yourself, your feelings, and your muscles. You will be able to work out movements and errors by watching the video. By the way, when you already have a small video archive, you will be able to check your development and achievement!

5. Dance for yourself more often.

At home, in a relaxing and familiar environment. Dance under any circumstances, even while brushing your teeth! Finding your manner and a way to express your emotions will help you cope with dance shyness.

Are you familiar with the feeling when you can’t relax and enjoy the dance? How do you deal with it?

Was it helpful for you to read our tips?

Learn how to social dance here.

See more dances by Brooklyn Dance Lessons on our youtube channel.